Friday, December 20, 2013

These Doctors and scientists should go back to school and take science 101

The Pharmaceutical industry and some doctors are trying to make you believe that Vitamins and Minerals are worthless and possibly harmful. They are using the Main stream media to push this message to brainwash the masses.

These scientists and doctors should lose their license for not being able to read and interpret scientific studies and sort out good quality science from flawed science.

Before I get into exposing and pointing out the many flaws in these studies, I like to begin by saying that Vitamins and minerals are ESSENTIAL to life. They are not optional. In order for the body to work properly you need 90 essential nutrients. If you don't have these in your diet your body will degenerate and you will end up with deficiencies and health problems.

I Believe that it is so important to supplement with these essential nutrients because our soils are depleted in them.

Because I know that most people don't have the time to sit here and read through all the details, I will make quick bullet points as to the flaws.

In the first study:

*Low quality, low levels of vitamins were used.
*participants were allowed to be in this study even if they took the multivitamin just 2/3rd of the time.
* The adherence rate was based on the participants' memory and not scientifically documented.
    (every scientist knows that this is the worst way to track something)
* Even participant drop outs were included in the study !!!
* Low doses of vitamins and minerals were used. 60mg of vitmain C, 25mcg of Vitamin B12, and 20mcg of selenium. Any expert on nutrition research knows that these low doses of nutrients will most likely show no health benefit besides possibly preventing scurvy.
The researches even said that the Vitamins used may be too low !!!

The ultimate scientific quackery is the fact that they compared a higher rate of diabetic who took the multivitamin and put them up against a placebo with a lower rate of diabetics !!!

Read an excellent breakdown here:

Docs, Pharma, Main Stream Media CAUGHT attempting to mislead you yet again !!!!!!!!

The Pharmaceutical industry and some doctors are trying to make you believe that Vitamins and Minerals are worthless and possibly harmful. They are using the Main stream media to push this message to brainwash the masses.

These scientists and doctors should lose their license for not being able to read and interpret scientific studies and sort out good quality science from flawed science.

Before I get into exposing and pointing out the many flaws in these studies, I like to begin by saying that Vitamins and minerals are ESSENTIAL to life. They are not optional. In order for the body to work properly you need 90 essential nutrients. If you don't have these in your diet your body will degenerate and you will end up with deficiencies and health problems.

I Believe that it is so important to supplement with these essential nutrients because our soils are depleted in them.

Because I know that most people don't have the time to sit here and read through all the details, I will make quick bullet points as to the flaws.

In the first study:

*Low quality, low levels of vitamins were used.
*participants were allowed to be in this study even if they took the multivitamin just 2/3rd of the time.
* The adherence rate was based on the participants' memory and not scientifically documented.
    (every scientist knows that this is the worst way to track something)
* Even participant drop outs were included in the study !!!
* Low doses of vitamins and minerals were used. 60mg of vitmain C, 25mcg of Vitamin B12, and 20mcg of selenium. Any expert on nutrition research knows that these low doses of nutrients will most likely show no health benefit besides possibly preventing scurvy.
The researches even said that the Vitamins used may be too low !!!

The ultimate scientific quackery is the fact that they compared a higher rate of diabetic who took the multivitamin and put them up against a placebo with a lower rate of diabetics !!!

Read an excellent breakdown here:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dangerous drugs

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs

There are a lot of bad drugs out there. Calcium channel blockers can prevent cells from using calcium an important nerve conducting mineral. Not good! Steroid drugs like prednisone suppress the immune system making the body more susceptible to infections. They also suppress growth and repair and can accelerate the development of degenerative disease. Antibiotics impair gut health, diuretics induce the loss of precious minerals like zinc and selenium and magnesium, and anti-osteoporosis drugs like Fosamax and Boniva can cause a horrible jaw affliction called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), which is basically a rapid decay and death of the jawbone. According to lawyers for ONJ victims, the potential connection of incidences the jawbone disease to the use these types of drugs was not unknown to manufacturers of the medications who are currently being targeted by a class action investigation as well as multiple individual injury lawsuits.

Full article here:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Can a Flu shot cause the Flu? YES

"Can flu shots cause the flu? Yep. Here's the mechanism how, explained by veterinarians. The article also describes how vaccines made outside the country may have no effect on local pathogens."

Dr Tenpenny
"The live virus vaccines, also known as attenuated, generate good immunity with just one dose, but are also problematic: if the attenuation of the virus (reduction of its virulence) has not been stable, it could find a complimentary virus and reverse its pathogenic capacity to the point where it could cause the illness", says the coordinator of the research group at the UN.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Healthy Snack idea

Took a snack break and thought this would make a good post.

I Just ate  2 organic carrots & 1 organic celery stalk and dipped them in Whole Fat Greek yogurt :)
Take your time and chew well and slowly.
Excellent snack idea for those trying to lose weight.
Fiber and whole fat keep you satisfied longer :)
Yes Yes I said it. WHOLE FAT keeps you satisfied longer :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Are you sleep deprived trying to study?

"It is no secret that a good night's sleep makes you feel better. Not only does sleep give your body time to rest and recharge, it may also be crucial to your brain's ability to learn and remember.
During sleep, while your body rests, your brain is busy processing information from the day and forming memories. If you are sleep deprived, you are at risk of developing a number of serious health problems, such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes, and your ability to learn and retain new information may be impaired."
In other words....Get Some Sleep !!
Click on Web MD link to read the full article:
Web MD

Are you having trouble falling asleep?

If I had trouble falling asleep I would try these 3 sleep supporting supplements:

Magnesium glycinate 200mg in capsule form an hour before bedtime